Scorecard Selection & Strategy Support FAQs
Gain insights on a growing list of strategies within the Fitwel standard
- Does Fitwel offer a scorecard for hotel projects?
- How does Fitwel define a single building?
- What is Fitwel's Submission Workbook?
- Who are "regular occupants," "building occupants," and "on-site building staff"?
- What if my project does not have any "regular occupants"?
- What if my project type isn't one of the listed Fitwel scorecards?
- How do I know which strategies to pursue for my building certification project?
- What Qualifies as "Permanent Signage"?
- Where are signs required when using the Commercial Interiors scorecard?
- Would a digital display qualify for the Local Amenities Display strategy?
- What are the parameters for continuous illumination?
- What are the Automated External Defibrillators (AED) requirements for certification?
- What are some design strategies I can pursue to gain compliance in my staircases?
- Food is provided onsite but we are unable to meet all of the requirements established in your strategy. Can we still earn points towards a certification?
- How can I qualify for Fitwel food strategies if my company does not provide onsite food?
- There is a qualifying fitness facility within distance of my project. How much of a membership subsidy is required for you to accept it?