Official statements are required to formally disclose project information, confirm compliance to strategy requirements and/or keep a documented record of commitments and declarations made by the project or the owner/management team.
General Requirements
- When providing official statements, ensure that it is listed as an accepted compliance document for the strategy.
- Official statements may be accepted:
- When listed as a required document in the compliance documentation section;
- As supplementary documentation (if all listed mandatory documents are also provided); and
- When specially requested by the Fitwel Certification Team during the project review.
Information Checklist
- Company letterhead.
- Date.
- Optional but recommended: Project information (e.g. project name and/or address).
- Optional but recommended: Identification of Strategy to which the official statement refers.
- Statement content that confirms compliance, as per the strategy requirements.
Guidance and Insights
- Official statements are no longer required to be signed.
- Official statements may be in any language, provided they include notes with translations to English.
- All official statements may be compiled into one single document, provided this document is included in the attachments provided for each relevant strategy to confirm compliance.
Sample Documentation for official statements
Strategy 6.2: Confirm that asbestos has been properly abated and control measures are implemented
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