** Incoming! v3 Revisions are on the way! **
In response to your feedback, we will be providing the following expansion: Added alternative pathways for spaces with no food areas
Please note, the below requirements and compliance documentation will be updated soon to reflect v3 changes. You can find more information on these revisions in a Change Log that will be available on the Help Center on December 10, 2024. ________________________________________________________________________
Implement practices to promote healthier choices in a prepared food area
Rationale: Integrating behavioral design features — such as point-of-choice labeling and pricing incentives — at locations where food is available supports healthy nutritional choices, contributing to increased consumption of fruits and vegetables and reduced risk of diet-related diseases.
For the most accurate strategy and documentation requirements, please refer to the digital scorecard made available on the Fitwel Platform.
Demonstrate compliance with one of the options below:
Option 1 - Healthy Food Choice Practices (Full Credit):
Demonstrate compliance with all of the following requirements:
- Implement healthier food choice practices in one of the following:
- all prepared food areas that serve building occupants only
- a prepared food retail area that is open to the public.
- Implement a minimum of three of the following qualifying healthy food and beverage selection practices within each identified prepared food area(s):
- employing point-of-choice nutrition labeling on all food items offered
- featuring package design(s) that highlights healthy food and beverage options
- prioritize healthy food and beverage options through displays or layouts
- featuring healthy food and beverage options as the default
- controlling food and beverage portion sizes.
Healthier food options must meet the Type D Food and Nutrition Requirements of the Fitwel Food and Beverage Standard.
The Fitwel Food and Beverage Standard will be attached shortly.
- Implement a minimum of one of the following qualifying pricing incentives to encourage the purchase of healthier food options:
- offering healthy food and beverage options at a lower price than other food and beverage options
- highlighting healthy food options by providing free samples
- providing discounts on healthy meals and menu items
- offering rotating pricing specials on healthy food items
- offering free fruits or vegetables and charging for other food items, if available.
Healthier food options must meet the Type D Food and Nutrition Requirements of the Fitwel Food and Beverage Standard.
The Fitwel Food and Beverage Standard will be attached shortly.
- Ensure the healthier food choice practices are implemented in a prepared food area that is within a ½-mile or 800-meter walking route of a main building entrance.
Option 2 - Healthy Food Selection Practices (Partial Credit):
Demonstrate compliance with all of the following requirements:
- Implement healthier food choice practices in one of the following:
- all prepared food areas that serve building occupants only
- a prepared food retail area that is open to the public.
- Implement a minimum of three of the following qualifying healthy food and beverage selection practices:
- employing point-of-choice nutrition labeling on all food items offered
- featuring package design(s) that highlights healthy food and beverage options
- prioritize healthy food and beverage options through displays or layouts
- featuring healthy food and beverage options as the default
- controlling food and beverage portion sizes.
Healthier food options must meet the Type D Food and Nutrition Requirements of the Fitwel Food and Beverage Standard.
The Fitwel Food and Beverage Standard will be attached shortly.
- Ensure the healthier food selection practices are implemented in a prepared food area that is within a ½-mile or 800-meter walking route of a main building entrance.
Option 3 - Healthy Food Pricing Incentives (Partial Credit):
Demonstrate compliance with all of the following requirements:
- Implement healthier food pricing incentives in one of the following:
- all prepared food areas that serve building occupants only
- a prepared food retail area that is open to the public.
- Implement a minimum of one of the following qualifying pricing incentives to encourage the purchase of healthier food options:
- offering healthy food and beverage options at a lower price than other food and beverage options
- highlighting healthy food options by providing free samples
- providing discounts on healthy meals and menu items
- offering rotating pricing specials on healthy food items
- offering free fruits or vegetables and charging for other food items, if available.
Healthier food options must meet the Type D Food and Nutrition Requirements of the Fitwel Food and Beverage Standard.
The Fitwel Food and Beverage Standard will be attached shortly.
- Ensure the healthier food pricing incentives are implemented in a prepared food area that is within a ½-mile or 800-meter walking route of a main building entrance.
Compliance Documentation
Design Pathway
Option 1:
- Requirement 1
- Checkbox to certify that the healthier food choice practices will be implemented in the listed prepared food areas
- Requirement 2
- Checkboxes to select the qualifying selection practices that will be implemented in each identified prepared food area(s)
- Upload a description of the selection practices that will be implemented
- Requirement 3
Checkboxes to select the qualifying pricing incentives that will be implemented in each identified prepared food area(s)
- Upload a description of pricing incentive that will be implemented
- Requirement 4
- Upload an annotated plan identifying the distance between each planned prepared food area with the implemented practices and a main building entrance
Option 2:
- Requirement 1
- Checkbox to certify that the healthier food selection practices will be implemented in the listed prepared food areas
- Requirement 2
Checkboxes to select a minimum of three of the qualifying selection practices that will be implemented in each identified prepared food area(s)
- Upload a description of the selection practices that will be implemented
- Requirement 3
- Upload an annotated plan identifying the distance between each planned prepared food area with the implemented practices and a main building entrance
Option 3:
- Requirement 1
- Checkboxes to certify that the healthier food pricing incentives will be implemented in the listed prepared food areas
- Requirement 2
Checkboxes to select the qualifying pricing incentives that will be implemented in each identified prepared food area(s)
- Upload a description of pricing incentive that will be implemented
- Requirement 3
- Upload an annotated plan identifying the distance between each planned prepared food area with the implemented practices and a main building entrance
Built Pathway
Option 1:
- Requirement 1
- Checkbox to certify that the healthier food choice practices are implemented in the listed prepared food areas
- Requirement 2
- Checkboxes to identify the qualifying selection practices that are implemented in each identified prepared food area(s)
- Upload an annotated photograph(s) showing each unique qualifying selection practice
- Upload a description of the implemented selection practices
- Requirement 3
- Text box to input the qualifying pricing incentives that are implemented in each identified prepared food area(s)
Upload an annotated photograph(s) showing each unique qualifying pricing incentive
Upload a description of the implemented pricing incentive
Option 2:
- Requirement 1
- Checkbox to certify that the healthier food selection practices are implemented in the listed prepared food areas
- Requirement 2
- Checkboxes to select the qualifying selection practices that are implemented in each identified prepared food area(s)
Upload an annotated photograph(s) showing each unique qualifying selection practice
Upload a description of the implemented selection practices
- Requirement 3
- Upload an annotated plan identifying the distance between each prepared food area with the implemented practices and a main building entrance
Option 3:
- Requirement 1
- Checkbox to certify that the healthier food choice practices are implemented in the listed prepared food areas
- Requirement 2
Checkboxes to select the qualifying pricing incentives that are implemented in each identified prepared food area(s)
Upload an annotated photograph(s) showing each unique qualifying pricing incentive
Upload a description of the implemented pricing incentive
- Requirement 3
- Upload an annotated plan identifying the distance between each prepared food area with the implemented practices and a main building entrance
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