A dedicated exercise room provided to all occupants free-of-charge can increase access to physical activity opportunities, contributing to decreased absenteeism, enhanced physical and mental health, and improved social equity for vulnerable populations.
Key Terms
- An Exercise Room is a dedicated space used for physical activity that is free of charge to all regular occupants.
For full strategy and documentation requirements, please refer to the digital scorecard made available on the Fitwel Platform.
Strategy Insights
- Documentation must clearly show that showers and lockers are made available to regular occupants.
- If showers and lockers are not part of the qualifying exercise room, projects may show that regular occupants have access to them elsewhere within the project.
- An exercise room does not need to be staffed, as compared to a fitness facility.
- However, an exercise room may doubly qualify as a fitness facility if documentation submitted for each strategy can show that all requirements for both strategies are met.
- Workplace exercise rooms must include access to both cardio equipment and strength training equipment, and these two types must be shown in documentation. Please note that the MFR requirements for this strategy are unique and include different elements.
- Fitwel’s Exercise Room strategy and Multi-Purpose Room strategy can be simultaneously achieved using the same room provided all requirements are met.
Documentation Guidance
- If using annotated plans to detail the locker rooms and showers, detail the locations of both lockers and showers.
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