Fitwel v3 beta launched to the public in June 2024 and because we highly value our community's feedback, we have opened a comment period through the end of 2024. This comment period is open to all users using our online forms and provides our users the opportunity to influence the future of the standard.
We are continuing to collect, analyze, and respond to feedback from June through the end of 2024 and targeting Q1 2025 to refine and release the updated requirements and resources. Throughout this comment period, we will be responding to feedback and sharing updates through a series of blog posts, articles, webinars, and other outreach.
Please see some common questions regarding our v3 beta comment period below to learn more!
v3 is in a “Comment Period”, what does that mean?
Knowing that valuable feedback is often shared after launch, we launched v3 beta in June 2024 and opened it to a public comment period through the end of the year to ensure the feedback reflects our diverse user groups. We are continuing to accept feedback for v3 via online forms and directly from our users through the end of this year. We know there is a lot to learn about the v3 standard and we’re committed to capturing all of the feedback we can prior to incorporating clarifications and expansions to the standard in Q1 2025!
This comment period allows users to provide feedback and insight on a variety of aspects of the Fitwel System, from strategy application to Fitwel Platform features. During this comment period, the Fitwel Team is:
- collecting feedback via the online forms directly on the Fitwel Help Center, as well as collecting feedback from users, internal team members, and advisory members through targeted outreach, and other forums;
- hosting quarterly calls with advisories and engaging in ongoing conversations with select users to understand how strategies and requirements are being implemented;
- sharing updates with our users to communicate how we’re responding to and implementing feedback;
- validating the feedback against the evidence;
- implementing minor changes and exploring additional compliance pathways for strategies.
How do I submit feedback to Fitwel?
You can click here to share feedback on v3. We are especially interested in feedback on strategy feasibility, requirement and documentation clarity, potential content gaps, and resources and tools that you would find helpful in the future.
For those of you that have a dedicated Relationship Manager, you are always welcome to share feedback in your regular meetings, and they will ensure the feedback is communicated to the Standard team.
If you'd like to share feedback about the Fitwel Platform or report bugs experienced, please reach out to
I submitted feedback to Fitwel, what happens next?
The Fitwel Team receives feedback from Fitwel clients, advisory members, and internal team members through our online feedback forms, formal and informal conversations with Fitwel users, targeted outreach, and other forums.
As a part of this comment period, The Standard Team collects and reviews feedback to evaluate and improve the Fitwel Standard on an ongoing basis. During this comment period, we are responding to client feedback through:
- quarterly calls with advisors, external stakeholders, and select users;
- Webinars and Ambassador Learning Sessions;
- Fitwel Help Center blog posts and FAQ articles.
How does feedback get implemented into the Fitwel Standard?
As a Standard setting organization, there are many factors we must consider when reviewing feedback before we are able to implement. We must consider the breadth of the feedback, impact of integrating, and potential unintended consequences. Our Standard and Research Teams systematically review each piece of feedback received, whether an inquiry about our evidence base, asset application of strategies, or other questions and concerns. We have outlined the process for reviewing and responding to feedback below:
- Receive and process feedback. The Standard Team reviews and categorizes each piece of incoming feedback, identifying key themes and takeaways for further exploration.
- Conduct discovery. At this stage, the Standard Team connects with the technical advisory as well as other advisors, both internal and external, to discuss feedback and gather insight from content area experts.
- Review research. Based on insights from industry advisors about how the Fitwel Team could implement feedback, the CfAD Research Team explores the evidence base to ensure potential changes remain evidence-informed.
- Make final decision. Gather all internal stakeholders to discuss feedback and collectively determine whether feedback can be integrated entirely, partially, or not at all.
- Communicate changes. We will get back in touch at the end of our comment period with details on the changes we made in direct response to feedback recieved.
- Standard finalized. In Q1 of 2025 we plan to update the v3 Standard to reflect any changes made as a result of this feedback process, moving out of the comment period.
Know that while each piece of feedback may not be responded to or acted on immediately, behind the scenes an iterative process is taking place to thoughtfully consider everything we hear from our users.
When will we see feedback implemented in the v3 content?
The comment period is scheduled to close December 31, 2024, after which the Fitwel Team will incorporate the feedback into the v3 scorecards and strategies. The platform, change logs, and other v3 resources and tools will be updated in Q1 2025 to reflect your feedback. You can expect to see minor changes and expansions to the content. In-progress projects will not be negatively impacted by this comment period*.
*We will not make requirement changes to v3 that impact feasibility and increase stringency during the comment period: these types of changes are only made during version updates. As always, typos or content errors will be addressed regularly and updated across all resources (platform, Help Center, etc.) on an ongoing and immediate basis.
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