Establish and implement an idle reduction policy
Rationale: Idle reduction policies reduce the amount of time vehicles idle unnecessarily, cutting emissions, noise pollution, and reducing air pollution — contributing to a diminished risk of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, as well as anxiety and depression.
For the most accurate strategy and documentation requirements, please refer to the digital scorecard made available on the Fitwel Platform.
Demonstrate compliance with the below:
Idle Reduction Policy (Full Credit):
Establish and implement an idle reduction policy that includes all of the following:
- Establish and implement a policy that prohibits vehicle idle times of more than 3 minutes excluding all of the following:
- legally authorized emergency motor vehicles
- necessary operation (such as a bus idling to deliver passengers, maintenance vehicles who rely on primary engine power)
- electric vehicles.
- Ensure the policy applies to all vehicles entering the project boundary, both personal and commercial.
- Incorporate idle reduction signage in all designated loading areas within the project boundary.
- Establish a protocol for reporting offenses.
- Share the policy with all tenants through one of the following (for multi-tenant projects only):
- tenant leases
- tenant manuals
Compliance Documentation
Design Pathway
Requirement 1
- Upload the annotated idle reduction policy that will be implemented.
Requirement 2
- Checkbox to certify that the idle reduction policy will apply to all vehicles entering the project boundary.
Requirement 3
- Upload design drawings showing the design of the idle reduction signage.
Requirement 4
- Checkbox to certify that the idle reduction policy will include a protocol for reporting offenses.
Requirement 5
- For multi-tenant projects, select here to certify that the policy will be shared with all tenants through the following (one minimum):
- tenant leases
- tenant manuals
Built Pathway
Requirement 1
- Upload the annotated idle reduction policy.
Requirement 2
- Checkbox to certify that the idle reduction policy applies to all vehicles entering the project boundary.
Requirement 3
- Upload annotated photographs showing the idle reduction signage located within designated loading areas
- Upload an annotated plan showing all designated loading areas within the project
Requirement 4
- Checkbox to certify that the idle reduction policy includes a protocol for reporting offenses.
Requirement 5
- For multi-tenant projects, select here to certify that the policy will be shared with all tenants through the following (one minimum):
- tenant leases
- tenant manuals
- For multi-tenant projects, upload a copy of the tenant lease or manual that includes the policy.
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