Prioritize Infill Development
Rationale: Building in underutilized space maximizes density and reduces presence of vacant lots, which promotes a walkable environment and is associated with increased perceptions of safety and reduced crime.
Demonstrate compliance with one of the options below:
Option 1 - Infill Development (Full Credit):
To achieve full credit, demonstrate compliance with the following requirement:
- Identify a minimum of one underutilized or under-built lot within the project.
- Develop the underutilized or under-built lot within the project through permanent infill development.
Note that developing on greenfield land does not qualify for this strategy.
Qualifying infill development includes, but is not limited to:
- Housing
- Active transit infrastructure (walking, biking, public transit)
- Transit oriented and mixed-use development
- Recreation spaces, parks and community gardens
- Grocery stores, farmers’ markets, community gardens, and mobile markets
- Schools and community centers
- Healthcare facilities
Option 2 - Maximum-Allowable Development Density (Full Credit):
To achieve full credit, demonstrate compliance with the following requirement:
- Confirm that the project is built to the maximum-allowable development density by bulk regulation or floor-to-area ratio (FAR).
Option 3 - Limited by Code (Full Credit):
To achieve full credit, demonstrate compliance with the following requirement:
- Confirm that the project is limited in commercial redevelopment by local code, such as historic landmarking or zoning/height district.
Compliance Documentation
Types of compliance documentation required:
- Annotated site plans
- Annotated maps
- Uploaded copy of materials
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