Provide occupants access to a sufficient number of dedicated lactation rooms
Rationale: Dedicated, equipped lactation facilities that are easily accessible to occupants support an equitable workplace by facilitating safe and efficient pumping sessions, contributing to increased rates of breastfeeding, which is associated with improved health outcomes for breastfeeding parents and children that include lowered risk of obesity for the child and lowered risk of cancer for the parent.
For the most accurate strategy and documentation requirements, please refer to the digital scorecard made available on the Fitwel Platform
Requirement Guidance: For buildings with multiple entrances, identify a main building entrance that is used to access a common area within the building such as a lobby, reception area, or main circulation pathway. |
Demonstrate compliance with one of the options below:
Option 1 - Lactation Rooms or Stations (Full Credit):
To achieve full credit, demonstrate compliance with all of the following requirements:
- Include a sufficient number of dedicated lactation rooms or stations within the building(s) that meet demand based on the number of full- and part-time employees and staff by meeting the following:
- 1 lactation room for projects with 1-200 occupants
- 2 lactation rooms for projects with 201-400 occupants
- 3 lactation rooms for projects with 401-600 occupants
- 4 lactation rooms for projects with 601+ occupants.
Projects must include at least 1 but are not required to include more than 4.
Projects must use the total number of occupants (not just female occupants) with access to the amenity because demographics are not static and may change.
- Ensure lactation rooms and stations are dedicated and not used for any other purpose.
- Include the following amenities within each lactation room or station:
- electrical outlet
- seating
- table.
- Include the following amenities within or on the same floor as each lactation room or station:
- sink
- refrigerator.
Note that bathroom sinks do not qualify.
- Install permanent signage outside each lactation room or station that clearly identifies the space as a lactation room or station.
Qualifying identification signage may include but is not limited to the following:
- lactation station/room
- pumping station/room
- mother's room.
- Ensure lactation rooms and stations are accessible and free of charge to all full-and part-time employees and staff within the building(s).
Option 2 - One Year Paid Maternity Leave (Partial Credit):
The project may achieve partial credit by demonstrating compliance with all of the following requirements:
- Confirm that one year of paid maternity leave is offered to all full-and part-time employees and staff through one of the following:
- corporate policy
- local jurisdiction.
- Provide a minimum of one lactation room or station within the project.
- Ensure lactation rooms and stations are dedicated and not used for any other purpose.
- Include the following amenities within each lactation room or station:
- electrical outlet
- seating
- table.
- Include the following amenities within or on the same floor as each lactation room or station:
- sink
- refrigerator.
Note that bathroom sinks do not qualify.
- Install permanent signage outside each lactation room or station that clearly identifies the space as a lactation room or station.
Qualifying identification signage may include but is not limited to the following:
- lactation station/room
- pumping station/room
- mother's room.
- Ensure lactation rooms and stations are accessible and free of charge to all full- and part-time employees and staff within the building(s).
Option 3 - Shared Use Multipurpose Rooms (Partial Credit):
The project may achieve partial credit by demonstrating compliance with all of the following requirements:
- Include a sufficient number of multipurpose rooms that can be used as lactation rooms or stations within the building(s) that meet demand based on the number of all full- and part-time employees and staff by meeting the following:
- 1 lactation room for projects with 1-200 occupants
- 2 lactation rooms for projects with 201-400 occupants
- 3 lactation rooms for projects with 401-600 occupants
- 4 lactation rooms for projects with 601+ occupants.
Projects must include at least 1 but are not required to include more than 4.
Projects must use the total number of occupants (not just female occupants) within the project because demographics are not static and may change.
- Ensure multipurpose rooms that can be used as lactation rooms or stations may be scheduled, lockable, and shown as "in use."
- Include the following amenities within each multipurpose room that can be used as lactation rooms or stations:
- electrical outlet
- seating
- table.
- Include the following amenities within each multipurpose room that can be used as lactation rooms or stations:
- sink
- refrigerator.
Note that bathroom sinks do not qualify.
- Ensure the multipurpose rooms that can be used as lactation rooms or stations are accessible and free of charge to all full- and part-time employees and staff within the building.
Compliance Documentation
Design Pathway
Option 1 - Lactation Rooms or Stations (Full Credit):
Requirement 1
- Textbox to input the anticipated number of full- and part-time employees and staff within the building(s):
- Textbox to input the planned number of dedicated lactation rooms and/or stations that will be included:
- Upload an annotated plan identifying the location of each lactation room and/or station that will be included.
Requirement 2
- Checkbox to certify that each identified lactation room or station will be a dedicated space not used for any other purpose.
Requirement 3
- Upload annotated design drawings detailing the required amenities within each lactation room or station
Requirement 4
- Upload annotated design drawings or plans showing the location of the required amenities on each floor that includes a lactation room or station.
Requirement 5
- Upload annotated design drawings showing the signage that will be placed outside all lactation rooms and stations.
Requirement 6
- Select here to certify that each identified lactation room or station will be accessible and free of charge to all full- and part-time employees and staff within the building(s).
Option 2 - One Year Paid Maternity Leave (Partial Credit):
Requirement 1
- Upload the policy guaranteeing that one year of paid maternity leave will be offered to all full- and part-time employees and staff.
Requirement 2
- Upload an annotated plan identifying the planned location of the lactation room or station within the site.
Requirement 3
- Checkbox to certify that each identified lactation room or station will be a dedicated space not used for any other purpose.
Requirement 4
- Upload annotated design drawings detailing the required amenities within each lactation room or station.
Requirement 5
- Upload annotated design drawings or a plan(s) identifying the location of the required amenities on each floor that includes a lactation room or station.
Requirement 6
- Upload annotated design drawings detailing the signage that will be placed outside all lactation rooms and stations.
Requirement 7
- Checkbox to certify that each identified lactation room or station will be accessible and free of charge to all full-and part-time employees and staff within the building(s).
Option 3 - Shared Use Multipurpose Rooms (Partial Credit):
Requirement 1
- Textbox to input the anticipated number of all full- and part-time employees and staff within the building(s):
Requirement 2
- Textbox to the planned number of multipurpose rooms that can be used as lactation rooms or stations that will be included within the building(s):
Requirement 3
- Select here to certify that each planned multipurpose room that can be used as a lactation room or station may be scheduled, locked, and shown as "in use."
Requirement 4
- Upload annotated design drawings detailing the required amenities within each multipurpose room that can be used as a lactation room or station.
Requirement 6
- Upload annotated design drawings or a plan(s) identifying the location of the required amenities on each floor that includes a multipurpose room that can be used as a lactation room or station.
Requirement 7
- Checkboxes to certify that each identified multipurpose room that can be used as a lactation room or station will be accessible and free of charge to all full- and part-time employees and staff within the building(s).
Built Pathway
Option 1 - Lactation Rooms or Stations (Full Credit):
Requirement 1
- Textbox to input the anticipated number of full- and part-time employees and staff within the building(s):
- Textbox to input the planned number of dedicated lactation rooms and/or stations that will be included:
- Upload an annotated plan identifying the location of each lactation room and/or station that will be included.
Requirement 2
- Checkbox to certify that each identified lactation room or station will be a dedicated space not used for any other purpose.
Requirement 3
- Upload annotated design drawings detailing the required amenities within each lactation room or station
Requirement 4
- Upload an annotated photograph(s) showing the required amenities on each floor that includes a lactation room or station.
- Upload an annotated plan identifying the location of the required amenities on each floor that includes a lactation room or station.
Requirement 5
- Upload annotated design drawings showing the signage that will be placed outside all lactation rooms and stations.
Requirement 6
- Select here to certify that each identified lactation room or station will be accessible and free of charge to all full- and part-time employees and staff within the building(s).
Option 2 - One Year Paid Maternity Leave (Partial Credit):
Requirement 1
- Upload the policy guaranteeing that one year of paid maternity leave will be offered to all full- and part-time employees and staff.
Requirement 2
- Upload an annotated plan identifying the planned location of the lactation room or station within the site.
Requirement 3
- Checkbox to certify that each identified lactation room or station will be a dedicated space not used for any other purpose.
- Upload an annotated photograph(s) showing the interior space of each lactation room or station.
Requirement 4
- Upload annotated design drawings detailing the required amenities within each lactation room or station.
Requirement 5
- Upload annotated design drawings or a plan(s) identifying the location of the required amenities on each floor that includes a lactation room or station.
- Upload an annotated plan identifying the location of the required amenities on each floor that includes a lactation room or station.
Requirement 6
- Upload annotated design drawings detailing the signage that will be placed outside all lactation rooms and stations.
Requirement 7
- Checkbox to certify that each identified lactation room or station will be accessible and free of charge to all full-and part-time employees and staff within the building(s).
Option 3 - Shared Use Multipurpose Rooms (Partial Credit):
Requirement 1
- Textbox to input the anticipated number of all full- and part-time employees and staff within the building(s):
Requirement 2
- Textbox to the planned number of multipurpose rooms that can be used as lactation rooms or stations that will be included within the building(s):
Requirement 3
- Select here to certify that each planned multipurpose room that can be used as a lactation room or station may be scheduled, locked, and shown as "in use."
- Upload an annotated photograph(s) showing how the multipurpose room can be scheduled, locked, and shown as "in use."
Requirement 4
- Upload annotated design drawings detailing the required amenities within each multipurpose room that can be used as a lactation room or station.
Requirement 6
- Upload annotated design drawings or a plan(s) identifying the location of the required amenities on each floor that includes a multipurpose room that can be used as a lactation room or station.
- Upload an annotated plan(s) identifying the location of the required amenities on each floor that includes a multipurpose room that can be used as a lactation room or station.
Requirement 7
- Checkboxes to certify that each identified multipurpose room that can be used as a lactation room or station will be accessible and free of charge to all full- and part-time employees and staff within the building(s).
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