Implement parking efficiency practices
Rationale: Parking efficiency practices limit the amount of space committed to surface parking, reducing the demand for single-occupancy vehicles and supporting the utilization of public and active transportation, which contributes to improved air quality and opportunities for physical activity — contributing to reduced risk of respiratory and cardiovascular conditions.
Demonstrate compliance with one of the options below:
Option 1 - Parking Efficiency Practices (Full Credit):
Demonstrate compliance with all the following requirements:
- Implement qualifying parking efficiency practices in each parking area on-site.
- Include a minimum of two of the following parking efficiency practices in each parking area:
- provide spaces at no more than the minimum number required by local legislation
- limit surface parking by prioritizing access to on-site or off-site parking garages
- designate priority parking for carpooling and vanpooling
- charge for parking in each parking area on-site
- incorporate a minimum of one enhanced landscaping element within surface parking areas:
- wide green buffers surrounding the perimeter of parking areas
- landscaped islands at the end of every parking aisle
- at least one tree per five parking lot spaces in surface parking areas
- protected pedestrian pathways within parking areas.
Option 2 - No Parking Areas On-Site (Full Credit):
Demonstrate compliance with the following:
- Confirm that parking areas that serve building occupants are not included within the project.
Compliance Documentation
Design Pathway
Option 1:
Requirement 1
- Upload an annotated plan or map showing the following:
- the location of all planned parking areas.
- the location of each planned parking efficiency practice.
- Upload an annotated plan or map showing the following:
Requirement 2
- Upload annotated design drawings, photographs, or documents showing each unique planned parking efficiency practices that will be implemented in each on-site parking area.
- Checkbox to select the parking efficiency practices that will be implemented (minimum two, select all that apply):
- provide spaces at no more than the minimum number required by local legislation
- limit surface parking by prioritizing access to on-site or off-site parking garages
- designate priority parking for carpooling and vanpooling
- charge for parking in each parking area on-site
- incorporate enhanced landscaping element within surface parking areas.
Option 2:
Requirement 1
- Checkbox to certify that building occupants will not have access to parking areas within the project.
- Upload an annotated plan showing that parking areas that serve building occupants will not be included within the project.
Built Pathway
Option 1:
Requirement 1
- Upload an annotated plan or map showing the following:
- the location of all parking areas.
- the location of each parking efficiency practice.
- Upload an annotated plan or map showing the following:
Requirement 2
- Upload annotated design drawings, photographs, or documents showing each unique parking efficiency practice that is implemented in each on-site parking area.
- Checkbox to select the parking efficiency practices that are implemented (minimum two, select all that apply):
- provide spaces at no more than the minimum number required by local legislation
- limit surface parking by prioritizing access to on-site or off-site parking garages
- designate priority parking for carpooling and vanpooling
- charge for parking in each parking area on-site
- incorporate enhanced landscaping element within surface parking areas.
Option 2:
Requirement 1
- Checkbox to certify that building occupants do not have access to parking areas within the project.
- Upload an annotated plan showing that parking areas that serve building occupants are not included within the project.
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