Establish a stakeholder collaboration protocol
Rationale: Implementing and distributing a comprehensive protocol that identifies stakeholders and regularly solicits their feedback provides a forum for occupants to voice their concerns and for management to incorporate these concerns into operations — increasing feelings of empowerment among occupants as well as the efficiency of building design, operations, and programming.
For the most accurate strategy and documentation requirements, please refer to the digital scorecard made available on the Fitwel Platform.
Demonstrate compliance with the below:
Stakeholder Collaboration Protocol (Full Credit):
Demonstrate compliance with all of the following requirements:
- Implement a stakeholder collaboration protocol that is at least as rigorous as the Fitwel Stakeholder Collaboration Protocol.
The Fitwel Stakeholder Collaboration Protocol can be found here.
- Ensure the Stakeholder Collaboration Protocol develops an approach to improve occupant health by including a mission statement and key objectives as outlined in Section 1 of the Stakeholder Collaboration Protocol.
- Establish a Stakeholder Coalition of a minimum of one primary and two secondary stakeholders who will be involved in the process, as outlined in Section 2 of the Stakeholder Collaboration Protocol.
- Ensure the coalition of stakeholders outline next steps to incorporate findings from the occupant surveys that addresses the categories identified in the health mission.
- Ensure that meetings will be held with the identified coalition of stakeholders a minimum of twice per year.
- Ensure the Stakeholder Collaboration Protocol includes a plan for engaging with the local community during any construction, major renovations, or public open space improvement projects within the project, as outlined in Section 4 of the Fitwel Stakeholder Collaboration Protocol.
Compliance Documentation
Design Pathway
- Requirement 1
- Upload the Stakeholder Collaboration Protocol
- Requirement 2
Checkbox to confirm that the Stakeholder Collaboration Protocol includes a mission statement and key objectives to improve occupant health as outlined in Section 1 of the Stakeholder Collaboration Protocol
- Requirement 3
- Upload a description of the primary and secondary stakeholders who will be included in the Stakeholder Coalition
- Requirement 4
- Checkbox to certify that the stakeholders will incorporate findings from occupant surveys that address the categories identified in the health mission
- Requirement 5
- Checkbox to certify that meetings will be held with the identified stakeholders a minimum of twice per year
Built Pathway
- Requirement 1
- Upload the Stakeholder Collaboration Protocol
- Requirement 2
- Checkbox to confirm that the Stakeholder Collaboration Protocol includes a mission statement and key objectives to improve occupant health as outlined in Section 1 of the Stakeholder Collaboration Protocol
- Requirement 3
- Upload a description of the primary and secondary stakeholders who are included in the Stakeholder Coalition
- Requirement 4
- Checkbox to certify that the stakeholders incorporate findings from occupant surveys that address the categories identified in the health mission
- Requirement 5
Checkbox to certify that meetings are held with the identified stakeholders a minimum of twice per year
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