Conduct regular indoor air quality (IAQ) assessments
Rationale: Regularly testing air quality levels increases awareness of specific contaminants and indoor air conditions, highlighting potential concerns and allowing for remediation — which can reduce risk of dizziness and respiratory issues including asthma and COPD.
For the most accurate strategy and documentation requirements, please refer to the digital scorecard made available on the Fitwel Platform.
Demonstrate compliance with one of the options below:
Option 1 - Indoor Air Quality Assessment (Full Credit):
Demonstrate compliance with all the following requirements:
Multi-Tenant Retail, Retail
- Implement an Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) assessment protocol that is at least as rigorous as the requirements of the v3 Fitwel Indoor Air Quality Assessment Protocol. The Fitwel Indoor Air Quality Assessment Protocol can be found here.
- Conduct IAQ testing and monitoring within all required areas outlined in Section 1 of the Indoor Air Quality Assessment Protocol within the building(s).
- Conduct IAQ assessment as outlined in the requirements of Section 3 and Section 4 of the implemented Indoor Air Quality Assessment Protocol.
- The IAQ assessment results meet the required limits of Section 2 of the Indoor Air Quality Assessment Protocol.
Option 3 - Indoor Air Quality Improvement Protocol (Full Credit):
If the limits for one or more of the required air quality metrics are not met, the project may achieve partial credit by implementing an IAQ improvement protocol that meets the following requirements:
Multi-Tenant Retail, Retail
- Implement an IAQ assessment protocol that is at least as rigorous as the requirements of the Fitwel Building Indoor Air Quality Assessment Protocol.
- Conduct IAQ testing and monitoring within all required areas outlined in Section 1 of the Indoor Air Quality Assessment Protocol within the building(s).
- Conduct IAQ monitoring or testing as outlined in the requirements of Section 3 and 4 of the implemented Indoor Air Quality Assessment Protocol.
- Implement an IAQ improvement protocol that is at least as rigorous as the requirements of Section 5 of the Fitwel Building Indoor Air Quality Assessment Protocol to improve the IAQ metrics that do not meet the required limits of Section 2 of the IAQ Assessment Protocol.
Compliance Documentation
Design Pathway
Option 1 - Indoor Air Quality Assessment (Full Credit):
Multi-Tenant Retail, Retail
- Upload the indoor air quality assessment protocol that will be implemented that includes all requirements outlined in Section 1, Section 2, Section 3, and Section 4 of the Fitwel Indoor Air Quality Assessment Protocol.
- Upload an annotated floor plan(s) identifying the areas for each floor within the building(s) where the indoor air quality assessment will be conducted.
- Check box to certify that the assessment will be conducted following the requirements of sections 3 and 4 in the implemented Indoor Air Quality Assessment Protocol.
- Check boxes to certify that the assessment will be conducted for the following IAQ metrics:
- PM2.5: less than 12 μg/m3
- CO2: less than 1000 ppm
- Check box(es) to certify that the assessment will be conducted for a minimum of three of the following IAQ metrics in all required areas (three minimum):
- TVOC: less than 500 μg/m3 or 132.73 ppb (ug/m3 = ppb * 3.767)
- Relative Humidity: between 30-60%
- Ozone: less than 0.07 ppm
- CO: less than 9 ppm
- Formaldehyde: less than 27 ppb
Option 3 - Indoor Air Quality Improvement Protocol (Full Credit):
Note that this option is not applicable for design projects.
Built Pathway
Option 1 - Indoor Air Quality Assessment (Full Credit):
Multi-Tenant Retail, Retail
- Upload the implemented indoor air quality assessment protocol that includes all requirements outlined in Section 1, Section 2, Section 3, and Section 4 of the Fitwel Indoor Air Quality Assessment Protocol.
- Upload an annotated plan identifying the areas for each floor within the building(s) where the indoor air quality assessment was conducted.
- Check box to certify that the assessment was conducted following the requirements of sections 3 and 4 in the implemented Indoor Air Quality Assessment Protocol.
- Upload the most recently conducted assessment report.
- Input results showing the highest recorded average levels measured for the following required IAQ metrics for all required areas:
- PM2.5: less than 12 μg/m3
- CO2: less than 1000 ppm
- Input result showing the highest recorded average levels measured for a minimum of three of the following IAQ metrics for all required areas (three minimum):
- TVOC: less than 500 μg/m3 or 132.73 ppb (ug/m3 = ppb * 3.767)
- Relative Humidity: between 30-60%
- Ozone: less than 0.07 ppm
- CO: less than 9 ppm
- Formaldehyde: less than 27 ppb
Option 3 - Indoor Air Quality Improvement Protocol (Full Credit):
Multi-Tenant Retail, Retail
- Upload the implemented indoor air quality assessment protocol that includes all requirements outlined in Section 1, Section 2, Section 3, and Section 4 of the Fitwel Indoor Air Quality Assessment Protocol.
- Upload an annotated plan identifying the areas for each floor within the building(s) where the indoor air quality assessment was conducted.
- Upload the conducted IAQ assessment report.
- Input results showing the highest recorded average levels measured for the following required IAQ metrics for all required areas:
- PM2.5: less than 12 μg/m3
- CO2: less than 1000 ppm
- Input result showing the highest recorded average levels measured for a minimum of three of the following IAQ metrics for all required areas:
- TVOC: less than 500 μg/m3 or 132.73 ppb (ug/m3 = ppb * 3.767)
- Relative Humidity: between 30-60%
- Ozone: less than 0.07 ppm
- CO: less than 9 ppm
- Formaldehyde: less than 27 ppb
- Upload the indoor air quality improvement protocol that is implemented, demonstrating how the project is currently improving the IAQ metric(s) that did not meet the required threshold(s).
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