** Incoming! v3 Revisions are on the way! **
In response to your feedback, we will be providing the following update: Merging Walking Path and Bicycle Lane strategies under the strategy name "Active Routes".
Please note, the below requirements and compliance documentation will be updated soon to reflect v3 changes. You can find more information on these revisions in a Change Log that will be available on the Help Center on December 10, 2024. ________________________________________________________________________
Provide bicycle lanes or pathways
Rationale: Bicycle lanes offer infrastructure proven to increase safe cycling. This decreases traffic accidents and increases rates of cycling, ultimately contributing to increased physical activity and psychological well-being, as well as decreased community congestion and air pollution.
For the most accurate strategy and documentation requirements, please refer to the digital scorecard made available on the Fitwel Platform.
Requirement Guidance: A bicycle lane or pathway may be shared across more than one building. If the bicycle lanes or pathways serve multiple buildings, the bicycle lanes may traverse the site or connect the site entrance to an off-site network of bicycle lanes or pathways.
For buildings with multiple entrances, identify a main building entrance that is used to access a common area within the building such as a lobby, reception area, or main circulation pathway. |
Demonstrate compliance with one of the options below:
Option 1 - Protected Bicycle Lanes (Full Credit):
To achieve full credit, demonstrate compliance with all of the following requirements:
Multi-Tenant Retail
- Provide access to a bicycle lane or pathway located within a 1/2-mile or 800-meter walking route from a main building entrance(s).
- Ensure that the identified bicycle lane or pathway is a minimum of 1 mile or 1600-meters long in one direction.
- Ensure that the identified bicycle lane or pathway is either fully separated from automobile traffic or separated from automobile traffic through physical barriers.
- Provide access to a bicycle lane or pathway located within a 1/2-mile or 800-meter walking route from a main building entrance(s).
- Ensure that the identified bicycle lane or pathway is a minimum of 1 mile or 1600-meters long in one direction.
- Ensure that the identified bicycle lane or pathway is either fully separated from automobile traffic or separated from automobile traffic through physical barriers.
Option 2 - Painted Bicycle Lanes (Partial Credit):
To achieve full credit, demonstrate compliance with all of the following requirements:
Multi-Tenant Retail
- Provide access to a bicycle lane or pathway located within a 1/2-mile or 800-meter walking route from a main building entrance(s).
- Ensure that the identified bicycle lane or pathway is a minimum of 1 mile or 1600-meters long in one direction.
- Ensure that the identified bicycle lane or pathway is marked as designated for bicycle use only through color coding, material selection, or sharrows.
- Provide access to a bicycle lane or pathway located within a 1/2-mile or 800-meter walking route from a main building entrance(s).
- Ensure that the identified bicycle lane or pathway is a minimum of 1 mile or 1600-meters long in one direction.
- Ensure that the identified bicycle lane or pathway is marked as designated for bicycle use only through color coding, material selection, or sharrows.
Compliance Documentation
Design Pathway
Option 1:
- Requirement 1
- Upload an annotated map identifying the distance from the identified bicycle lane or pathway to a main building entrance
- Requirement 2
- Upload an annotated map identifying the length of the bicycle lane or pathway
- Requirement 3
- Upload annotated design drawings or a photograph(s) of the bicycle lane or pathway showing how it will be separated from traffic
Option 2:
- Requirement 1
- Upload an annotated map identifying the distance from the identified bicycle lane to a main building entrance
- Requirement 2
- Upload an annotated map identifying the length of the bicycle lane or pathway
- Requirement 3
- Upload annotated design drawings or a photograph(s) of the bicycle lane or pathway showing how it will be marked or designated for bicycle use only
Built Pathway
Option 1:
- Requirement 1
- Upload an annotated map identifying the distance from the identified bicycle lane of pathway to a main building entrance
- Requirement 2
- Upload an annotated map identifying the length of the bicycle lane or pathway
- Requirement 3
- Upload an annotated photograph(s) of the bicycle lane or pathway showing how it is separated from traffic
Option 2:
- Requirement 1
- Upload an annotated map identifying the distance from the identified bicycle lane to a main building entrance
- Requirement 2
- Upload an annotated map identifying the length of the bicycle lane or pathway
- Requirement 3
- Upload an annotated photograph(s) of the bicycle lane or pathway showing how it is marked or designated for bicycle use only
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