Provide optimal shading
Rationale: Providing shading on all windows enhances occupant control over temperature, glare, and nighttime darkness, which can lead to reduced task-related eye strain, contributing to improved thermal comfort and enhanced sleep quality.
Demonstrate compliance with one of the options below:
Option 1 - Shading on All Windows (Full Credit):
Provide shading devices to manage daylight exposure that meet all of the following requirements:
Multi-Tenant Base Building (no on-site management), Multi-Tenant Base Building (with on-site management)
- Provide shading on all windows within all regularly occupied spaces within the building.
Qualifying regularly occupied spaces must include but are not limited to the following:
- Workspaces: which include workstations, flexible workspaces, individual offices, and circulation between workstations. Note that hallways, corridors, and elevator banks are not considered regularly occupied spaces.
- Common spaces: which include spaces where occupants can gather to work, eat, take breaks or meet, such as meeting rooms, lactation rooms, quiet rooms, and reception areas.
- Ensure shading devices meet one of the following:
– include dynamic glazing on windows
– can be controlled by occupants through one of the following methods:
- adjustable louver system
- adjustable blinds
- adjustable shades
Single-Tenant, Commercial Interior
- Provide shading on all windows within all regularly occupied spaces accessible to all full- and part-time employees and staff.
Qualifying regularly occupied spaces must include but are not limited to the following:
- Workspaces: which include workstations, flexible workspaces, individual offices, and circulation between workstations. Note that hallways, corridors, and elevator banks are not considered regularly occupied spaces.
- Common spaces: which include spaces where occupants can gather to work, eat, take breaks or meet, such as meeting rooms, lactation rooms, quiet rooms, and reception areas.
- Ensure shading devices meet one of the following:
– include dynamic glazing on windows
– can be controlled by occupants through one of the following methods:
- adjustable louver system
- adjustable blinds
- adjustable shades
Option 2 - Shading on 51% of Windows (Partial Credit):
Provide shading devices to manage daylight exposure that meet all of the following requirements:
Multi-Tenant Base Building (no on-site management), Multi-Tenant Base Building (with on-site management)
- Provide shading on 51% of all windows within all regularly occupied spaces within the building.
Qualifying regularly occupied spaces must include but are not limited to the following:
- Workspaces: which include workstations, flexible workspaces, individual offices, and circulation between workstations. Note that hallways, corridors, and elevator banks are not considered regularly occupied spaces.
- Common spaces: which include spaces where occupants can gather to work, eat, take breaks or meet, such as meeting rooms, lactation rooms, quiet rooms, and reception areas.
- Ensure shading devices meet one of the following:
– include dynamic glazing on windows
– can be controlled by occupants through one of the following methods:
- adjustable louver system
- adjustable blinds
- adjustable shades
Single-Tenant, Commercial Interior
- Provide shading on 51% of all windows within all regularly occupied spaces accessible to all full- and part-time employees and staff.
Qualifying regularly occupied spaces must include but are not limited to the following:
- Workspaces: which include workstations, flexible workspaces, individual offices, and circulation between workstations. Note that hallways, corridors, and elevator banks are not considered regularly occupied spaces.
- Common spaces: which include spaces where occupants can gather to work, eat, take breaks or meet, such as meeting rooms, lactation rooms, quiet rooms, and reception areas.
- Ensure shading devices meet one of the following:
– include dynamic glazing on windows
– can be controlled by occupants through one of the following methods:
- adjustable louver system
- adjustable blinds
- adjustable shades
Compliance Documentation
Types of compliance documentation required:
- Specifications sheets
- Annotated photographs
- Certified statements
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