Locate the stair in an equally or more prominent area than escalators or elevators and increase visibility of the stair
Rationale: Implementing behavioral design tactics to increase stair visibility has been shown to encourage occupants to climb stairs instead of taking elevators and escalators when able, increasing physical activity and decreasing the risk of chronic conditions associated with sedentary lifestyles such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.
For the most accurate strategy and documentation requirements, please refer to the digital scorecard made available on the Fitwel Platform.
Demonstrate compliance with one of the options below:
Option 1 - Stair Location and Visibility (Full Credit):
Demonstrate compliance with all the following requirements:
Multi-Tenant Whole Building (no on-site management), Multi-Tenant Whole Building (with on-site management), Multi-Tenant Base Building, Single Tenant
- At the stairs used to achieve credit for the Stair Access Strategy, make the set(s) of stairs more visible on the main entrance floor(s) by implementing one of the following methods:
- locating the stairs in a location that is directly visible from a main building entrance
- locating an unenclosed set of stairs on the main entrance floor
- posting directional signage from a main building entrance to the stairs to direct occupants. If the stairs are located past an elevator or escalator area, at least one directional sign must be located immediately prior to reaching the elevator or escalator areas.
- At the stairs used to achieve credit for the Stair Access Strategy, make the set(s) of stairs more visible throughout the building(s) by implementing one of the following methods:
- the stair is not enclosed behind doors, walls, or other partitions that obstruct visibility from the rest of the floor on at least 51% of the floors connected by the stairs
- the stair doors or walls include clear glazing (include code-compliant glass when using egress stairs) on all floors connected by the stairs
- hold stair doors open using magnetic hold-open devices on all floors connected by the qualifying stairs (magnetic hold-open devices must be connected to the building emergency response system).
Stairs documented in this strategy must be the same stairs documented in the Stair Access Strategy.
Commercial Interior
- At the stairs used to achieve credit for the Stair Access Strategy, make the set(s) of stairs more visible on the main entrance floor or project floor by implementing one of the following methods:
- locating the stairs in a location that is directly visible from a main building entrance or main project entrance
- locating an unenclosed set of stairs on the main entrance floor or project floor
- posting directional signage from a main building entrance or main project entrance to the stairs to direct occupants. If the stairs are located past an elevator or escalator area, at least one directional sign must be located immediately prior to reaching the elevator or escalator areas.
- At the stairs used to achieve credit for the Stair Access Strategy, make the set(s) of stairs more visible throughout the project by implementing one of the following methods:
- the stair is not enclosed behind doors, walls, or other partitions that obstruct visibility from the rest of the floor on at least 51% of the floors connected by the stairs
- the stair doors or walls include clear glazing (include code-compliant glass when using egress stairs) on all floors connected by the stairs
- hold stair doors open using magnetic hold-open devices on all floors connected by the qualifying stairs (magnetic hold-open devices must be connected to the building emergency response system).
Stairs documented in this strategy must be the same stairs documented in the Stair Access Strategy.
Option 2 - Stair Location (Partial Credit):
The project may achieve partial credit by demonstrating compliance with the following requirements:
Multi-Tenant Whole Building (no on-site management), Multi-Tenant Whole Building (with on-site management), Multi-Tenant Base Building, Single Tenant
- At the stairs used to achieve credit for the Stair Access Strategy, make the set(s) of stairs more visible on the main entrance floor(s) by implementing one of the following methods:
- locating the stairs in a location that is directly visible from a main building entrance
- locating an unenclosed set of stairs on the main entrance floor
- posting directional signage from a main building entrance to the stairs to direct occupants. If the stairs are located past an elevator or escalator area, at least one directional sign must be located immediately prior to reaching the elevator or escalator areas.
Stairs documented in this strategy must be the same stairs documented in the Stair Access Strategy.
Commercial Interior
- At the stairs used to achieve credit for the Stair Access Strategy, make the set(s) of stairs more visible on the main entrance floor or project floor by implementing one of the following methods:
- locating the stairs in a location that is directly visible from a main building entrance
- locating an unenclosed set of stairs on the main entrance floor
- posting directional signage from a main building entrance to the stairs to direct occupants. If the stairs are located past an elevator or escalator area, at least one directional sign must be located immediately prior to reaching the elevator or escalator areas.
Stairs documented in this strategy must be the same stairs documented in the Stair Access Strategy
Option 3 - Stair Visibility (Partial Credit):
The project may achieve partial credit by demonstrating compliance with the following requirements:
Multi-Tenant Whole Building (no on-site management), Multi-Tenant Whole Building (with on-site management), Multi-Tenant Base Building, Single Tenant
- At the stairs used to achieve credit for the Stair Access Strategy, make the set(s) of stairs more visible throughout the building(s) by implementing one of the following methods:
- the stair is not enclosed behind doors, walls, or other partitions that obstruct visibility from the rest of the floor on at least 51% of the floors connected by the stairs
- the stair doors or walls include clear glazing (include code-compliant glass when using egress stairs) on all floors connected by the stairs
- hold stair doors open using magnetic hold-open devices on all floors connected by the qualifying stairs (magnetic hold-open devices must be connected to the building emergency response system).
Stairs documented in this strategy must be the same stairs documented in the Stair Access Strategy
Commercial Interior
- At the stairs used to achieve credit for the Stair Access Strategy, make the set(s) of stairs more visible throughout the project by implementing one of the following methods:
- the stair is not enclosed behind doors, walls, or other partitions that obstruct visibility from the rest of the floor on at least 51% of the floors connected by the stairs
- the stair doors or walls include clear glazing (include code-compliant glass when using egress stairs) on all floors connected by the stairs
hold stair doors open using magnetic hold-open devices on all floors connected by the qualifying stairs (magnetic hold-open devices must be connected to the building emergency response system).
Stairs documented in this strategy must be the same stairs documented in the Stair Access Strategy
Compliance Documentation
Design Pathway
Option 1:
Requirement 1
Upload annotated design drawings or photograph(s) showing each unique method that will be implemented to increase stair visibility
Upload an annotated design drawing or floor plans detailing the location of the stairs and a main building entrance
Requirement 2
Upload annotated design drawings or photograph(s) showing each unique method that will be implemented to increase stair visibility
Upload an annotated design drawing or floor plans detailing the location of the stair visibility method on each unique floor
Option 2:
Requirement 1
Upload annotated design drawings or photograph(s) showing each unique method that will be implemented to increase stair visibility
Upload an annotated design drawing or floor plans detailing the location of the stairs and a main building entrance
Option 3:
Requirement 1
Upload annotated design drawings or photograph(s) showing each unique method that will be implemented to increase stair visibility
Upload an annotated design drawing or floor plans detailing the location of the stair visibility method on each unique floor
Built Pathway
Option 1:
Requirement 1
Upload an annotated photograph(s) showing each unique method implemented to increase stair visibility
Upload an annotated floor plan detailing the location of the stairs and a main building entrance
Requirement 2
Upload an annotated photograph(s) showing each unique method implemented to increase stair visibility
Upload an annotated floor plan(s) detailing the location of the stair visibility method on each unique floor
Option 2:
Requirement 1
Upload an annotated photograph(s) showing each unique method implemented to increase stair visibility
Upload an annotated floor plan detailing the location of the stairs and a main building entrance
Option 3:
Requirement 1
Upload an annotated photograph(s) showing each unique method implemented to increase stair visibility
Upload an annotated floor plan(s) detailing the location of the stair visibility method on each unique floor
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