A tobacco- and smoke-free policy for outdoor spaces can lower tobacco consumption and reduce exposure to secondhand smoke among occupants, contributing to enhanced respiratory and mental health.
Key Terms
- A Tobacco-Free Policy is a policy that prohibits the use of tobacco products on-site and the use of all forms of inhaling, exhaling, and burning cigarette and vapor-based products.
- A Smoke-Free Policy is a policy that prohibits the use of all forms of inhaling, exhaling, and burning cigarette and vapor-based products.
Strategy Insights
Projects submitting for this strategy must either show that the full extent of their project site, including all outdoor spaces within the project such as rooftops and parking areas, are tobacco-free (for full credit) or smoke-free (for partial credit).
- Tobacco-free language must either explicitly state “all” forms of tobacco or enumerate the types of tobacco products (such as chewing and smokeless forms as well as smoking and vaping forms) that are to be included within the policy.
- The Tobacco- and Smoke-Free Outdoor Spaces strategy is independent from the indoor policy. Either or both may be pursued, but one is not dependent on the other.
- Nicotine gum, patches, lozenges, inhalers, and nasal spray are not considered unregulated nicotine products and permitting their use does not disqualify this strategy.
- In Multifamily Residential, this policy must be applied to dwelling units outdoor areas (e.g. terraces/patios/decks should be included for outdoor policies)
- A zero-lot line project must include a policy that ensures tobacco/smoking is prohibited under any entrance awnings, on any upper-level terraces or roof decks, interior courtyards, etc.
Documentation Guidance
- Commercial Interior (CI) projects for tenant spaces may submit an official statement and copy of their policy on tenant letterhead; however the policy must apply to all exterior spaces within the building site.
- Residential projects may submit a copy of a lease addendum provided that it includes a qualifying policy that prohibits tobacco use and/or smoking within all outdoor spaces.
Sample Documentation
- Please note that this documentation should be dated and on company letterhead. This documentation should also include the date of the policy implementation.
- This documentation is a great example of the content needed in the Tobacco and Smoke-Free
Documentation credit to Crescent Communities
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