Posting tobacco- and/or smoke-prohibitive signage at high-volume pedestrian areas raises the visibility of a building’s policy, increasing compliance with the policy. This contributes to reduced smoking rates and decreased exposure to second-hand smoke, and subsequently boosts feelings of well-being.
Key Terms
- Tobacco-Free prohibits the use of tobacco products on-site, which includes smoking forms and non-smoking forms, such as snuff, snus, chew, and vapor-based products.
- Smoke-Free prohibits the use of all smoking forms of tobacco products on-site, which include inhaling, exhaling, burning, and vapor-based products.
- A Designated Smoking Area includes an on-site space in which smoking is permitted.
- Permanent Signage is a durable and freestanding sign that is attached to the wall or ground, consistently displayed, and non-removable.
For full strategy and documentation requirements, please refer to the digital scorecard made available on the Fitwel Platform.
Strategy Insights
- This strategy provides both a full credit and an Alternative Compliance (AC) pathway which is differentiated between “tobacco-free” signage versus “smoke-free” signage:
- Qualifying tobacco- and smoke-free signage may include messaging such as:
- "tobacco- and smoke-free building and site"
- "tobacco-free property"
- "smoking and the use of tobacco products is prohibited within the site"
- "no smoking, including smoke-free tobacco products"
- Qualifying smoke-free signage may include messaging such as:
- "smoke-free building and site"
- "smoking, including e-cigarettes is prohibited within the property"
- "smoking tobacco is not allowed on-site
Signage Location
- Signage that prohibits smoking within a certain distance of the signage (e.g., "no smoking within 25 feet," etc.) may not qualify unless the project demonstrates that the designated smoking area is off-site or if the project confirms that the building is a zero-lot-line building.
- Entrance signage must be located at all entrances into the building including pedestrian entrances to the building from indoor parking garages.
- Outdoor signage must be located at all on-site outdoor areas such as plazas, courtyards, rooftop amenities, and parking areas, as applicable to the project.
Documentation Guidance
- Photographs should capture the content of each unique signage and the context or location of the permanent signage.
- Plans should be included for each relevant floor that includes building entrances and on-site outdoor areas.
- The Fitwel Certification Team suggests that submitted annotated plan(s) and photographs correspond for clarity. For example, all building entrances and on-site outdoor areas should be labeled on the plan and photographs (e.g., One Main St entrance; central courtyard, northwest plaza, LL1 entrance, LL2 entrance, etc.).
Sample Documentation
Please note: imagery in the sample documentation includes photoshopped signage for demonstration purposes only. Photoshopped images will not be accepted as part of a project's submission.
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