** Incoming! v3 Revisions are on the way! **
In response to your feedback and further analysis, we will be providing the following clarification: Renaming to 'Emergency Gathering Point' for clarification that emergency gathering space does not need to be covered.
Please note, the below requirements and compliance documentation will be updated soon to reflect v3 changes. You can find more information on these revisions in a Change Log that will be available on the Help Center on December 10, 2024. ________________________________________________________________________
Identify a common gathering space in the event of an emergency
Rationale: Identifying and publicizing an emergency gathering location that meets occupant needs, provides physical shelter, and offers a place to distribute clear messaging in the wake of an emergency can reduce the risk of injuries and the spread of infectious disease, while maintaining a sense of dignity, community, and security for those affected.
Demonstrate compliance with one of the options below:
Safe Shelter (Full Credit):
To achieve full credit, demonstrate compliance with all of the following requirements:
- Identify a gathering space(s) that can accommodate all occupants.
- Ensure that the identified gathering space supports a response to a minimum of one potential disaster scenario for the project depending on context/geography.
- Locate the gathering space(s) a minimum of a 1/4-mile or 400-meter walking route of a minimum of one emergency exit of each building within the project.
- Publicize the identified space to all occupants as a gathering point in the event of a relevant emergency.
Compliance Documentation
Types of compliance documentation required:
- Annotated maps
- Annotated plans
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