Provide access to a multipurpose room
Rationale: Providing a schedulable multipurpose room with adequate capacity and community programming supports activity-based working, increased connection to the local area, higher levels of activity, and enhanced communication — contributing to stronger community ties, social engagement, and decreased risks of chronic conditions related to stress and sedentary lifestyles.
Demonstrate compliance with one of the options below:
Multi-Purpose Room (Full Credit):
To achieve full credit, demonstrate compliance with all of the following requirements:
- Provide a multipurpose room that can be scheduled for use free of charge by all building occupants.
- Ensure the multipurpose room can accommodate a minimum of 5% of building occupants.
- Locate the multipurpose room within the building or within a 1/2-mile or 800-meter walking distance of a main building entrance.
Compliance Documentation
Types of compliance documentation required:
- Annotated maps
- Annotated plans
- Annotated photographs
- Certified statements
- Calculations
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